No Sighting of any I4


Feb 15, 2022
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Hong Kong
Anyone here think it is strange that no one has even snap a photo of a I4 prototype? I know they have delayed the launch date to 2023, but is this normal?

I have a feeling that the first I4 delivery will delay further to late 2023 or even 2024.

I am thinking if I should just pick up the last FE V6 quota the dealer has...I have never own a stick before, and I was told not to get the V6 if I am going for an automatic...
Have they delayed them to 2023?

Still expecting them winter 2022 in the UK

They're not going to be building customer cars for over 6 months don't think it's too much of a concern right now, their focus is finalising the v6 to start building those.
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Have they delayed them to 2023?

Still expecting them winter 2022 in the UK

They're not going to be building customer cars for over 6 months don't think it's too much of a concern right now, their focus is finalising the v6 to start building those.

I wasn't sure about the new date, but there I believe it has already been pushed back for many markets...I was told the I4 will first go to countries that are not offering the V6...i.e. China....

My concern is that there does not seem to be a single I4 prototype?
A few of us saw a mule passing through the Lotus HQ gates recently which sounded like it was the i4....
Is it possible to camp outside of HQ 8-5pm with a camera and take shots/videos? We may be able to capture sounds of I4, see magma or verdant outdoor, etc.
Is it possible to camp outside of HQ 8-5pm with a camera and take shots/videos? We may be able to capture sounds of I4, see magma or verdant outdoor, etc.
I’ll cycle over to the track tomorrow, try my luck, there certainly used to be gaps in the fence where you could see in from the public footpath at the side of the track, hopefully they haven’t upgraded it yet.
I’ll cycle over to the track tomorrow, try my luck, there certainly used to be gaps in the fence where you could see in from the public footpath at the side of the track, hopefully they haven’t upgraded it yet.
Ooh ooh. Cloak and dagger, secret agent spy stuff and all that. Get a sign you can wear that says VP 007; Validation Photographer. If you get caught, they MAY have a sense of humor about it.
I’ll cycle over to the track tomorrow, try my luck, there certainly used to be gaps in the fence where you could see in from the public footpath at the side of the track, hopefully they haven’t upgraded it yet.
If you're going to take pictures of Dark Verdant, make sure you leave at home anything that can give away your identity (wallet, phone, teeth...) 🤞
Anyone here think it is strange that no one has even snap a photo of a I4 prototype? I know they have delayed the launch date to 2023, but is this normal?

I have a feeling that the first I4 delivery will delay further to late 2023 or even 2024.

I am thinking if I should just pick up the last FE V6 quota the dealer has...I have never own a stick before, and I was told not to get the V6 if I am going for an automatic...
A number in assembly a while back. They sub-assemble the engine with rear suspension, it's compact. My guess they were for homologation /type approval.
i4 mules and prototypes have been running for two years. There are a few spy shots on the internet. The only difference is the engine cover under the rear glass hatch, so it's hard to tell unless you have a decent resolution picture from the right angle.

When I was at the factory in January, 75% of the validation cars in the assembly hall were i4s.

They have had unexpectedly high demand for the V6 FEs, which I think has been a factor in the delayed start for production of the i4 FE.
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