Newlands Corner Sunday Breakfast Meet (Guildford, Surrey, UK) - Sunday 21st November


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Aug 10, 2021
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Surrey, UK
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For the last 10+ years I've been organising a monthly gathering of Lotus owners and enthusiasts. It's every third Sunday of the month, rain or shine, and we meet at Newlands Corner, a local beauty spot near Guildford in Surrey UK.

As well as being popular with walkers, horse riders and mountain bikers this is a regular meeting point for motorbike enthusiasts and other car clubs. Plenty of free parking, great views and a cafe serving the best bacon rolls in the county. Join from 09.00 when the cafe opens and we're around until 10.00/10.30.

There are no particular runs in or out organised, although sometimes there are ad hoc convoys from Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. If you don't know the area I can also recommend some back road routes. Newlands Corner is near Bell & Colvill, who are closed on Sundays but you can still see into the showroom and they have cars parked up outside.

We usually have about 15-20 cars but it can vary from 5 to 35 depending on weather. We have attendees from SELOC, The Lotus Forums, Lotus Drivers Club and Club Lotus and often have examples of the older Elans, Excels, Eclats and Esprits, as well as a good showing of Elise, Exige and Evora. We also welcome Lotus enthusiasts who aren't currently owners and usually have a mix of regulars and newbies every month. There is no need to pre-book, just term up and say hi.

Location map for Newlands Corner here

I will likely come... will sign up on Seloc..
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We were blessed with a beautiful morning, cold but clear and sunny. An amazing turnout, with 25 cars and every one of them different.

Nice to see Grahame’s immaculate Esprit and Lee running in his Isotope Green Final Edition Elise Cup 250 plus everything else in between. Good to catch up with friends and meet new ones.





For the last 10+ years I've been organising a monthly gathering of Lotus owners and enthusiasts. It's every third Sunday of the month, rain or shine, and we meet at Newlands Corner, a local beauty spot near Guildford in Surrey UK.

As well as being popular with walkers, horse riders and mountain bikers this is a regular meeting point for motorbike enthusiasts and other car clubs. Plenty of free parking, great views and a cafe serving the best bacon rolls in the county. Join from 09.00 when the cafe opens and we're around until 10.00/10.30.

There are no particular runs in or out organised, although sometimes there are ad hoc convoys from Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. If you don't know the area I can also recommend some back road routes. Newlands Corner is near Bell & Colvill, who are closed on Sundays but you can still see into the showroom and they have cars parked up outside.

We usually have about 15-20 cars but it can vary from 5 to 35 depending on weather. We have attendees from SELOC, The Lotus Forums, Lotus Drivers Club and Club Lotus and often have examples of the older Elans, Excels, Eclats and Esprits, as well as a good showing of Elise, Exige and Evora. We also welcome Lotus enthusiasts who aren't currently owners and usually have a mix of regulars and newbies every month. There is no need to pre-book, just term up and say hi.

Location map for Newlands Corner here

I'll swing by when my beaten up Evora gets a new lick of vinyl!
Too embarrassed to show an 85k mileage car with all of the dings and scratches that go with it.
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@as7920 @prestonc everyone's welcome regardless of car or the state it's in! It's every third Sunday of the month, so next one on 19 Dec.