New factory tour video with a glimpse of an i4 in build

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Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15-24-04.png
Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 15-24-35.png
thanks for sharing the video. Quite entertaining.
Funny they let some people film in the factory and the Evija build area(which makes sense to have off limits), but they still wouldnt let actual paying customers take still photos of just the Emiras when we were on the tour.
Funny they let some people film in the factory and the Evija build area(which makes sense to have off limits), but they still wouldnt let actual paying customers take still photos of just the Emiras when we were on the tour.
Great Video, report and photo's


Also I hadn't noticed that the Evija had a heave spring setup -- pretty cool!

Great spot kitkat - what an incredibly trick setup as well. You don't often see a third element setup and certainly not transverse like this, it appears to interact directly with the primary pivots as well. Really unusual.

It also appears to be further complicated with the piece below, there's a rotary double clevis to push or pull (or be pushed or pulled by) rods connected to the primary suspension mounting pivots. Electronically adjustable ride height maybe? Or even some kind of electronic adjustment of preload? Alternatively that could be input force from heave going through that rotary element into some kind of process that affects the primary dampers. Hard to tell what's what with so many elements that are mobile.
Funny they let some people film in the factory and the Evija build area(which makes sense to have off limits), but they still wouldnt let actual paying customers take still photos of just the Emiras when we were on the tour.
It's about control of what gets filmed. Lotus can make sure the right type of activity is going on, all the workers are given necessary privacy (some people don't want their face/body on the internet), etc. They also get to review the final footage, maybe.
I really enjoyed looking at the machines without their exterior panels. They look nothing like other cars on the road and really speak to how special these cars are.
I really enjoyed looking at the machines without their exterior panels. They look nothing like other cars on the road and really speak to how special these cars are.
This is the #1 reason that I'm buying a Lotus. Absolutely nothing else is built like this. The body being exceptionally beautiful is a bonus.

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