NC500 BnB / pub recommendations?


Emira Fiend
Jul 15, 2021
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Planning a wee cheeky NC500 trip in a couple of weeks, any accommodation recommendations?
I just went back and looked at the 4 Airbnbs I stayed in before the pandemic and 3 are now deleted lol. The 4th was nothing special so I have nothing constructive to add here, other than don't skip Beach na Bà!

I heard through the local grapevine that Gordon Murray has a house out near Shielding and makes the odd appearance at the cute breakfast spot downtown (Nanny's). No idea if there's any truth to it, or what I'd even say if I ever ran into the man. Would probably leave him alone, and then as I walked by throw a knowing chin nod that silently communicates "thank you for designing one of the best machines in automotive history..."
Planning a wee cheeky NC500 trip in a couple of weeks, any accommodation recommendations?
We ate at this pub after the tour, its only a couple of miles away and the walls are full of pictures of Lotus cars etc. The food was great, a real quality award winning pub that also do accommodation.
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