How many miles has your Emira done?

Well done!
Good effort!

Only 2,600 miles in after 6 months
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Well done! I have done a very enjoyable 4,600 miles in 10m's!
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I´m only in 11.000 kms in 10 months. Winter is not helping a lot.
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6300 miles, first service was today
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10,000 miles March to October 2023
500 miles November to now - gone to bed for the winter!
similar to me - I just keep going through the winter!
500 since getting it Nov 25th to now (Nov/Dec got little use due to weather and holidays - and Jan it was away for PPF)

Was hoping to get lots more miles in Feb, but apparently snow is on the way 🤔🤚
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2600 miles and the first service is in 3 weeks. I bought it with 2000 miles on it from the previous owner so it would have been 4-5k if I’d had it all year.
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4000 miles so far, last season.

Form March on I will add some more, looking really forward to drive it again, winter time with salt on the road my Emira stays in the garage. :)
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6750 miles in just over 12 months. Should be more in the next 12 as my insurance has changed to unlimited and we have some longer trips planned.
5,000 miles since August and most of them in Europe too!

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