Help! Battery complete emty?


Emira Fan
Mar 27, 2023
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it seems that my battery gets completely empty within 2 days (we have - degrees right now).
There is no blinking light inside the Emira and both remotes are not woeking.
Any ideas what to do now and how I can start the engine?

You would need a battery charger to get it up and running again, and possibly change a new battery if the current one is damaged by the deep drain.
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Thanks, I have a battery starting aid here. But how to open the door and the trunk? With the emergency key? Will the alarm system start? Thanks
Pg. 55 to get in with blade key and turn off alarm
Pg. 51 emergency tailgate release handle
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Thanks…The question is, if alarm starts when the battery is complete empty? I will not try it at 11pm😂

Turning off alarm is put the key in the holder and press the start engine button? Sorry for asking such stupid questions, but its the first time for doing that…

Will the Emira lost any settings when a battery is complety empty or will be exchanged? Is any configuration later on needed?

Thanks…The question is, if alarm starts when the battery is complete empty? I will not try it at 11pm😂

Turning off alarm is put the key in the holder and press the start engine button? Sorry for asking such stupid questions, but its the first time for doing that…

Will the Emira lost any settings when a battery is complety empty or will be exchanged? Is any configuration later on needed?

It's going to depend on how empty the battery is.

If not enough power to open the door it may or may not have enough power for the alarm.

Suggest you wait until 6am Sunday morning to try 😈
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It's going to depend on how empty the battery is.

If not enough power to open the door it may or may not have enough power for the alarm.

Suggest you wait until 6am Sunday morning to try 😈
If not enough power to open the door it may or may not have enough power for the alarm.
That's not correct. The Alarm has an internal battery and disconnecting the "main" battery with the alarm armed will trigger it. The battery might be "dead" but still has enough voltage not to trip the alarm. Opening the door will also trip the alarm. Placing the keyfob into the holder and pressing the Start button should disable the alarm if the car has enough juice to detect the keyfob.
Would not recommend doing the at night :LOL:
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That's not correct. The Alarm has an internal battery and disconnecting the "main" battery with the alarm armed will trigger it. The battery might be "dead" but still has enough voltage not to trip the alarm. Opening the door will also trip the alarm. Placing the keyfob into the holder and pressing the Start button should disable the alarm if the car has enough juice to detect the keyfob.
Would not recommend doing the at night :LOL:
Hi, just could restart the car by opening the door and the trunk manually. No alarm starts…. After connecting the starting aid to the battery all systems came up and alarm starts. After pressing the remote alarm turned off and I could start the car normally. Drove 45 minutes afterwards and will have a look if this issue came up again…Thanks for your help.
Hi, just could restart the car by opening the door and the trunk manually. No alarm starts…. After connecting the starting aid to the battery all systems came up and alarm starts. After pressing the remote alarm turned off and I could start the car normally. Drove 45 minutes afterwards and will have a look if this issue came up again…Thanks for your help.
I guess it’s a very slow but constant drain then.. is your ac working as intended? We have reports of cars where the fan wouldn't shut down fully, draining the battery.
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It was the first time within 4 month that this happen. Will have a look the next days. I have a problem with the air condition, that the fans in total are not working. Did not recognized that the fans are running after power off the engine. Otherwise no changes…
It was the first time within 4 month that this happen. Will have a look the next days. I have a problem with the air condition, that the fans in total are not working. Did not recognized that the fans are running after power off the engine. Otherwise no changes…
Okay so you probably have water ingress in the resistor box, that will stop the fans from turning on. The water could have created a different electrical fault resulting in a slow drain.
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Went already to Lotus for some exchange parts. Hope they will come soon…