First Edition - How many and how much?


Emira Maniac
Jul 19, 2021
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Hi, much as it would be pretty special to have a first edition, a few comments on here have me wondering:

1. Are they only available with the Toyota V6?
2. I've read there will be a £12k - £15k premium, based on a package of extras worth a few £K more than that - is that correct? (this would put into less affordable less attractive territoty for me).
3. When will the AMG engine be available, a comment in another thread (based on what a dealer in Canada said) was best guess 2023?

I know much of this may be answered by Lotus or the Dealers in the next few weeks but it would be good to go to the viewing with a clearer picture.

Perhaps @TomE you may know more...?

1. Lotus MD Matt Windle said at Goodwood there would be FE V6s and FE i4s. He didn't say how many of each but he did say there was no fixed quota of V6 engines to use up (either FE or own spec) and it would depend on demand. At some point they'll need to start deliveries of own-spec cars but we don't know yet when that is, or if all FE deliveries will be completed before own-specs start (although it's a reasonable assumption).

2. That was probably me writing it! I was told First Editions would be £15-18k of options discounted to £12-15k, from senior Lotus sales and production staff at Goodwood.

3. Same people told me the first AMG-engined cars would start being delivered 3 months after the first Toyota-engined cars.

That was the status at Goodwood in early July. Some of their plans may have been updated in light of the stronger than expected level of deposits and progress with development and supply chain. A lot is going on globally in the industry, impacting costs and parts availability for all manufacturers. UK dealer tour starts on 21 Sept and specs, options, pricing, delivery timeframes are due to be published for that.
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1. Lotus MD Matt Windle said at Goodwood there would be FE V6s and FE i4s. He didn't say how many of each but he did say there was no fixed quota of V6 engines to use up (either FE or own spec) and it would depend on demand. At some point they'll need to start deliveries of own-spec cars but we don't know yet when that is, or if all FE deliveries will be completed before own-specs start (although it's a reasonable assumption).

2. That was probably me writing it! I was told First Editions would be £15-18k of options discounted to £12-15k, from senior Lotus sales and production staff at Goodwood.

3. Same people told me the first AMG-engined cars would start being delivered 3 months after the first Toyota-engined cars.

That was the status at Goodwood in early July. Some of their plans may have been updated in light of the stronger than expected level of deposits and progress with development and supply chain. A lot is going on globally in the industry, impacting costs and parts availability for all manufacturers. UK dealer tour starts on 21 Sept and specs, options, pricing, delivery timeframes are due to be published for that.
Tom, as ever, that's great info and all makes sense. Being in manufacturing, I understand some of Lotus' dilemmas here: Do they gear up in terms of staff and facilities to get the initial orders out at a good pace, or do they set up production for what they believe the ongoing year-on-year demand will be, which is more profitable in the long run due to lower costs- but risks losing some pre-orders if people have to wait too long?