Engine choice

Not a clue at the moment. Currently got a Mustang 5lt manual which I absolutely love the character of. if I have to swap it it'll most likely be a V6 Manual. If I can find a way to keep the Mustang then depending on the power of the AMG unit I could go that way. Previously had a an A45 and that engine is a cracker & I could imagine that engine, gearbox combo in an Emira being pretty clinical.
A few months back.. I got a chance to drive both the manual and automatic V6, 2021 Evora Gt416. First the drive was amazing, with plenty of power in both cars. The sound was incredible and exotic! I fell in love with the V6 Automatic setup immediately. I understand manual is supercool, but when I was driving the manual, I hit a pocket of traffic and right away, I knew the manual setup was not for me, it was not fun in traffic and felt like I was doing leg day at the gym! Lol 😆 I want to enjoy my ride. Lucky for me, I was able to try both auto and manual. After the test drive I chose the V6 automatic! To each his own. Respectfully. 🙂
I’m undecided. But initially I was thinking of the AMG still leaning this way love the new hand built technology and dual clutch.
V6 Supercharged for me. This will be my first supercharged car. I am actually wavering on transmission. I was solid manual until I read @770K post about the V6 auto. I already have a manual daily. On the fence now. Gold wheels for me!
V6 for me, because I have a V6 Evora and the sound and power delivery is just fantastic. Every mile has me smiling.

I know a manual is more work and in theory an auto or DCT can change faster and more reliably than I can with a manual. But I drive for pleasure not to commute. I took my Exige out for a 100 mile circular run at the weekend just because it’s a joy to drive, not because I needed to go anywhere.

I like the harmony with the car that comes with manual gear changes, rev matching on downshifts, a well-executed heel and toe, as well as picking the line through a corner and pacing the car to line up an overtake on that short straight I know is coming up. I’ll accept it’ll be a little more work in stop start traffic to have that feeling on the cross-country runs. And that I might not win the traffic light Grand Prix.

If this strikes a chord then you probably get the Lotus philosophy and “for the drivers”. If you prefer an auto or DCT or i4 that’s fine too. It’s great to have the choices.
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4 cylinder will do. Smaller engine, less weight and maximum power. Tuning of the motor has already been done and over 400 HP seems feasible. So lots of upgrades in the future possible. Apart from that taxes for CO2 are rocketing in the Netherlands so a smaller engine will have a smaller impact on the available budget. Dual clutch gearbox will tame the powers that be and give me enough possibilities to unleash them. Most of the time I'll be off track, and probably stuck in traffic so a manual won't do it for me. As for wheels I think the diamant cut forged silver wheels are the signature wheels for the Emira so I'll go for them.
Hi all. Which engine size are people going for also which wheels thanks
Looking at the AMG, price dictates that. I sadly can't stretch to the top end of the price range.

Black wheels! I have an Evora right now, sports racer red with black roof, mirrors, sills and wheels. Very happy with the black!
While I’ll hold off on a final decision, leaning toward the V6/IPS with touring suspension. Sill want to experience the options in person. I can’t do the manual because of a health issue so it’s paddle shifters for me. DCT vs IPS essentially will be predicated on engine choice, which in turn is tied to things like performance, exhaust note and availability of my desired color. If my color is available early, and the cost differential is not crazy, then it will be V6/IPS. If my color isn’t available, then I’ll wait so have more leeway. Then it’s the performance, serviceability, sounds, heat generation, DCT vs IPS and cost comparison that become primary determibants. I won’t track the car, but instead will enjoy it on the winding roads through the Virginia county side. No matter what choices get made, it’s fun to contemplate them.
Hi all. Which engine size are people going for also which wheels thanks
V6, manual. This will not be a daily driver, nor long trips car. This is strictly for fun. I would generally opt for auto/dct because it is faster, but I figured that this will probably be my last manual car, and it is not so fast that you have to get the fastest one. Also, on track, it doesn’t make much difference in my experience. I want the surety of manual transmission and the feeling that you are wearing your car like a track suit and have control over all the variables.
V6 Automatic for me. I live where traffic is very common. California L.A., Silicon Valley traffic can happen any day, even on weekends. I like driving my Sexy Emira with my shades on, one hand on the wheel and the other holding my Starbucks. Talking it up with my beautiful wife on the way to the winery. Ahhhh can't wait! Lol 😆
If the gear ratios are the same as the Evora V6 manual, then 2nd gear will take you to 70mph and 3rd to 100mph - you don't need to do much gear changing if you don't want to ;)
If the gear ratios are the same as the Evora V6 manual, then 2nd gear will take you to 70mph and 3rd to 100mph - you don't need to do much gear changing if you don't want to ;)
Many, many years ago I was at a small motor show at Longleat in Wiltshire, England. There was a Jaguar XJ220 race car there… just a push button start so someone climbed in and, errrr, just drove off in it. A 90mph police chase ensued and the police eventually managed to stop the thief…. who was only going at 90 coz he couldn’t get out of first gear!
new here and love the information. i've been leaning toward the V6, but live at 7,800'. most of my driving will be between 5,800' and 10,200'.
for this reason, i THINK the AMG might be the better choice? i know both will lose power, but thinking the turbo will lose quite a bit less. please school me if i am completely off base! cheers!
new here and love the information. i've been leaning toward the V6, but live at 7,800'. most of my driving will be between 5,800' and 10,200'.
for this reason, i THINK the AMG might be the better choice? i know both will lose power, but thinking the turbo will lose quite a bit less. please school me if i am completely off base! cheers!
Both are boosted (turbo or supercharged) so pressure maintained - don't think they will lose any significant power.
my basic understanding of the differences in the two is that the lack of oxygen will affect the supercharger, but not the turbo. but i don't doubt that I need to educate myself more. appreciate the direction that it is likely the difference would be nominal. thanks! i will likely go with the manual V6 in that scenario.
1405kg “in its lightest form” according to Lotus. Someone in another forum tracked down the weights of the V6 engine and manual gearbox and of the i4 and DCT - they’re within about 10-20kg. Detailed specs due next week so we’ll get more info then.

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