Emira GT4 launch event videos


tap tap... is this thing on?
Staff member
Aug 6, 2021
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DC/Virginia, USA
Emira Status
Emira Owner
Since there are several different places putting out videos from their Emira GT4 launch event attendance, I decided to collect them here for your viewing pleasure.

From TheTFJJ: An in-depth video with the launch comments from Matt Windle, Gavan Kershaw, etc, and some great track footage.

From TheLotusForums: A nicely produced walkaround and drone footage of the track session.

From MotorVerso: A really visceral in-car ride-along with Gavan Kershaw. The gear whine is phenomenal.

I'll add more as I notice them. Please link below if you come across something new.
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Oops, maybe I should have put these in the new GT4 forum.
If you "Report" the first post you can use that to ask Admins to move it to the GT4 forum 👍
It looks amazing and sounds fantastic!

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