Yellow Emira on display in China


Active member
Oct 8, 2021
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
Is that a front radar or a number plate holder? It is horrible
That's odd, that's not where the number plate plinth is, at least for UK. I asked at roadshows and was told it was on the lower lip, like this:


Edit: and you can see them on the lower lip of the validation cars in videos like the Harry's Garage one
Nice to see they've got a proper showroom, with examples of each wheel style and caliper colour, fabric samples and colours on small car forms.

I wonder when the UK dealers will get something like that? Most have now received a set of 6 colour discs, like the ones used at the roadshows.
That's odd, that's not where the number plate plinth is, at least for UK. I asked at roadshows and was told it was on the lower lip, like this:

View attachment 1908

Edit: and you can see them on the lower lip of the validation cars in videos like the Harry's Garage one
Maybe different legislation?
Shanghai City apparently, but all of the writing on the wall displays are in English...
Yes, it's Shanghai. Interestingly the calipers have the local "Lotus NYO" branding but the other badges don't. I suspect that car is on tour and won't stay in China.
If you closely the Badges have NYO under the Lotus... seats are labeled Emira instead... also the wheels on the wall have no center caps. 👍🏼
Your eyesight (or monitor resolution) is better than mine!
Plus the silver section is much more polished than the matte engineered surface on the Seneca car
Looks different altogether. I actually rather like the one in the China display, but I am sure some will prefer the matt look.
It's not there... it's the light glare on the black leather.
Oh I thought it was Ice Grey too! Got tricked by thinking the alcantara was black leather.

That’s good as I was about to discount ice grey leather for being a mid grey rather than a stone white!

Why aren’t they showing ice grey leather anywhere I wonder? The only ice grey sample ever seen was on Harry’s video at Hethel but that was under bright indoor lights and hence was washed out and looked totally white.
Why aren’t they showing ice grey leather anywhere I wonder? The only ice grey sample ever seen was on Harry’s video at Hethel but that was under bright indoor lights and hence was washed out and looked totally white.
The ice grey sample for the UK roadshows mysteriously vanished at one of the early events and took a while to be replaced.
The ice grey sample for the UK roadshows mysteriously vanished at one of the early events and took a while to be replaced.
I’ve never seen an ice grey leather sample disc. Doesn’t seem to have been present or shown in the US roadshows either.

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