đź““ Journals What’s your VIN?

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Emira Fiend
Jan 22, 2022
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Emira Owner
Historically the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) gives a good indication of the position in the production line the car was made. It also gives you an indication of “batches” where there might have been a specific change or an issue. For example my Elan ends 707 which tells me it was constructed in late 69. My from the VIN on my S1 Elise I know it was in the last 40 constructed.
For those who already have their cars it might be interesting to start sharing them. Would be interesting to see how invoice number correlates with VIN.
I don’t have my car yet so can’t contribute to this.
Any body want to share?
Perhaps the Mods would like to start a register?
For security reasons we would not advise anyone posts their VIN in the public domain. For example, this may give opportunity for VIN cloning and potentially fraud by criminals.

As such we will not be creating a VIN register and editing/deleting posts where VIN numbers are posted in the forum.
Fair enough. Maybe I spend too much time in the world of old Lotus where registers are quite common.
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