Type 132 has a name: ELETRE

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My guess is it's like "Electra" spoken in an outrageously over-the-top Cockney accent. I really hope they haven't set themselves up for comedy routines on this one. :ROFLMAO:
Marketing team: "It needs to start with an 'E' and we also want the word electric in there but without actually putting it in there and also we really like the letter 'E's on the tesla logo so let's do that .. what do we have? ... What about EE LEH TRUH ? ... perfect! sounds like a drunk person trying to say 'electric' before falling over.. let's go with that!"

In all seriousness it's not that bad.. naming new cars these days is borderline impossible, all the best ones are long gone. Eletre is pretty safe.
I bought the number plate off the back of Scott at Hethel's enthusiasm for the 132
For a sneak peek - it looks like the Eletre has been shown in the Lotus Story video on lotuscars.com!

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Its incredible how sloppy they are, all that effort to keep it under wraps then letting this out on their website before the reveal.
That colour does it no favours in my humble opinion
The contrast with the yellow emphasises the snarling front, which unless you eat children for breakfast, looks a bit over the top for my tastes....will likely pull me reservation. Possibly a dark colour will play that down, lets see.
Looks like they have messed up the big reveal tonight at 19:30pm that is the actual car on the Lotus website.

Be worth booking your Lotus factory tour in a month or so, so that you might be able to view this car in the flesh.
The contrast with the yellow emphasises the snarling front, which unless you eat children for breakfast, looks a bit over the top for my tastes....will likely pull me reservation. Possibly a dark colour will play that down, lets see.
I agree with you, i'm going to give it a little more time before pulling my deposit.

If this is a 100k + I just can't see them selling it in the masses.
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