Lotus - The Complete Story


Emira Fan
Sep 24, 2021
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Mild Wild West, UK
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Emira Owner
Anyone bought ‘Lotus - The Complete Story’ by Johnny Tipler? Written to cover all models from the Mk 1 up to the Evija but then extended to include the Type 131, the launch photo caption correctly identifies the Emira but the accompanying copy twice refers to ‘Evira’. Was that an earlier proposed model name or maybe a pre-reveal guise?

Either way, the 1st Edition of the 256 page tome could become a collector’s piece for FE owners.
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Johnny has done several well-researched books on Lotus cars (and Porsche, Ferrari and TVR). I've got his books on the Elise/Exige and Evora and "Black & Gold" about the JPS-liveried Lotus F1 cars.
Johnny has done several well-researched books on Lotus cars (and Porsche, Ferrari and TVR). I've got his books on the Elise/Exige and Evora and "Black & Gold" about the JPS-liveried Lotus F1 cars.
Good to hear that. Which publications on the Exige would you recommend, and if they cover the RGB then even better?

I guess it's time to expand my library of publications covering Porsche, Alfa Romeo, and Renault by adding Lotus to the mix.
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Johnny has done several well-researched books on Lotus cars (and Porsche, Ferrari and TVR). I've got his books on the Elise/Exige and Evora and "Black & Gold" about the JPS-liveried Lotus F1 cars.
Tom, That’s why I was so surprised to see Johnny use ‘Evira’ TWICE! Hard to believe it was a faux-pas. Perhaps he was working off a pre-release name at the time of his writing?
Strange isn't it. I'd have guessed at a typo but twice is surprising.

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