Hello from Alsace - France


New member
Nov 21, 2021
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Alsace - France
Hi guys,

Happy to join you on this forum. As you might guess I just deposited for an Emira ;)
Very excited abt it.

Booked the i4 FE, not as glamourous as the V6 off course, but the only fitting my budget ...
The gap between V6 and the i4 is not so huge, but here in France we introduced few years ago a nice Eco Tax based on Co2 g/km which adds another 40k EUR to the V6 for 2022 and will jump to +50k EUR for 2023 ... No discussion about the idea behind the tax, certainely good, but unfortunately it hits us very hard on cars like the Emira V6 or Porsche 911 / Cayman.

I currently own a very nice Black Alpine A110. For those of you who might not know the Alpine, its an incredibly joyfull and agile sportscar weighing only 1100 kg with the 1.8l V4 engine of the Megane RS. Being rather track oriented, mine is a bit stiffer and developps 304 HP with 420 Nm of tork :p

So why the Emira ? ... Well, that's a pretty good question, hahaha... Probably because it looks incredible! Maybe also because I hope to extract more from the Mecedes Engine/gearbox couple. I'm not expecting a better chassis but I'm pretty sure Lotus engineers did a great job again. Also because I thought about owning a Lotus since saw the Exige 430 and I heard that sound (I know it's a V6 and I will not get one...).

Now I must be honnest, despite the look and the great engine, I'm a bit worry because of it's weight.
It's so much not Lotus like for me.
So driving it will really be the key, and coming from a prepared Alpine, the challenge is not going to be easy ... ;)

Alpine A110
Welcome black110, the alpine is a great drivers car but I'm sure you will notice the difference in weight in the emira. Having said that the wider track of the emira and legendary lotus driving feel coupled to the potential of the new amg dct is going to be fantastic.
Hi guys,

Happy to join you on this forum. As you might guess I just deposited for an Emira ;)
Very excited abt it.

Booked the i4 FE, not as glamourous as the V6 off course, but the only fitting my budget ...
The gap between V6 and the i4 is not so huge, but here in France we introduced few years ago a nice Eco Tax based on Co2 g/km which adds another 40k EUR to the V6 for 2022 and will jump to +50k EUR for 2023 ... No discussion about the idea behind the tax, certainely good, but unfortunately it hits us very hard on cars like the Emira V6 or Porsche 911 / Cayman.

I currently own a very nice Black Alpine A110. For those of you who might not know the Alpine, its an incredibly joyfull and agile sportscar weighing only 1100 kg with the 1.8l V4 engine of the Megane RS. Being rather track oriented, mine is a bit stiffer and developps 304 HP with 420 Nm of tork :p

So why the Emira ? ... Well, that's a pretty good question, hahaha... Probably because it looks incredible! Maybe also because I hope to extract more from the Mecedes Engine/gearbox couple. I'm not expecting a better chassis but I'm pretty sure Lotus engineers did a great job again. Also because I thought about owning a Lotus since saw the Exige 430 and I heard that sound (I know it's a V6 and I will not get one...).

Now I must be honnest, despite the look and the great engine, I'm a bit worry because of it's weight.
It's so much not Lotus like for me.
So driving it will really be the key, and coming from a prepared Alpine, the challenge is not going to be easy ... ;)

View attachment 1438View attachment 1439View attachment 1440Alpine A110
Welcome to this party, and thanks for sharing!
Welcome and congratulations on the Emira deposit. The Alpine is a great car, very similar philosophy to Lotus in terms of weight and handling. Great to see you are taking it on some adventures.

I know what you mean about the Emira weight concerns. I think we're all keeping our fingers crossed the Lotus ride and handling team are genuine when they say it is a significant step forward from the Evora.
Hi guys,

Happy to join you on this forum. As you might guess I just deposited for an Emira ;)
Very excited abt it.

Booked the i4 FE, not as glamourous as the V6 off course, but the only fitting my budget ...
The gap between V6 and the i4 is not so huge, but here in France we introduced few years ago a nice Eco Tax based on Co2 g/km which adds another 40k EUR to the V6 for 2022 and will jump to +50k EUR for 2023 ... No discussion about the idea behind the tax, certainely good, but unfortunately it hits us very hard on cars like the Emira V6 or Porsche 911 / Cayman.

I currently own a very nice Black Alpine A110. For those of you who might not know the Alpine, its an incredibly joyfull and agile sportscar weighing only 1100 kg with the 1.8l V4 engine of the Megane RS. Being rather track oriented, mine is a bit stiffer and developps 304 HP with 420 Nm of tork :p

So why the Emira ? ... Well, that's a pretty good question, hahaha... Probably because it looks incredible! Maybe also because I hope to extract more from the Mecedes Engine/gearbox couple. I'm not expecting a better chassis but I'm pretty sure Lotus engineers did a great job again. Also because I thought about owning a Lotus since saw the Exige 430 and I heard that sound (I know it's a V6 and I will not get one...).

Now I must be honnest, despite the look and the great engine, I'm a bit worry because of it's weight.
It's so much not Lotus like for me.
So driving it will really be the key, and coming from a prepared Alpine, the challenge is not going to be easy ... ;)

View attachment 1438View attachment 1439View attachment 1440Alpine A110
Hello j'ai vu ton post sur le forum Emira, je suis sur le point de signer pour un 4 cylindres. Je viens de réserver une A110S2 mais je me rends compte que l'EMIRA est peut-être au meme prix!! Je pensais à un malus plus important, mon contact lotus m'annonce 8000 ! + 72000 l'auto soit 80 au total ce qui correspond à ma config assez timide sur une A110S2... Pourrais tu m'indiquer quelles sont tes infos sur le malus ? Et si tu es certain d'être livré ? Tu commandes ou ?

Peut être qu'un jour on se fera une ballade ensemble, je suis alsacien !
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Ca sera avec grand plaisir.
Je n'ai pas encore trop d'indications sur le malus, j'imagine qu'on devrait être dans les 8k EUR en 2022 pour le i4 et plutôt 9.5-10k pour 2023...

Normalement la mienne doit être livrée en Novembre ou décembre 2022.
J'ai réservé chez Lotus Ostende. La fabrication des i4 commençant en Octobre, je pense qu'il va être difficile d'obtenir une immatriculation 2022. A mon avis les premières livraisons 2022 sont déjà parties.

Je suis nouveau dans le monde Lotus, donc je ne connais pas la réputation des différents concessionnaires. Je suis allé la voir chez Théobald à Nancy où j'ai été très gentiment reçu. Il y a aussi un concessionnaire côté allemand.

J'échangerai avec plaisir. J'ai essayé de t'envoyer un mp, mais sans succès...
Welcome to the forum @Black110 - I'm not very familiar with the Alpine A110. I had to watch some youtube videos on it after seeing your photos. Cool car!
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