Heater Issue?


Emira Fanatic
Jan 22, 2022
Reaction score
Anyone else had a heater issue?

This morning the car would only blow warm air at my feet, it wouldn't blow anything on the screen or towards your body. I tried adjusting all the settings with both the manual buttons and the screen ones, no difference. The temp also only stayed warm all the time and it would only point at my feet. The screen setting all look like they are working, its just that what they then say they are doing they are not and its still just warm air towards your feet.

I tried the screen de-mist button but that just blew faster hot air at my feet!

The only thing i could control was the fan speed and if the aircon was on or not.
I couldn't change the temp or the direction.

I've had no other heating issues except for when I couldn't work out the manual aircon button - user error NOT car.

Also I turned it on an off again, didn't help. I left the car off for an hour and then tried again but didn't help. I may try disconnecting the battery later to see if that helps.
I have heard reports from some others of issues with the AC but not heard details so not sure if it is the same problem.

One dealer apparently had issues with demist not working (which sounds similar to yours) and hence unable to clear the windscreen and postponed some test drives.

Worth contacting dealer/Lotus as may be a known issue.
I had what sounds like the same issue on a demo car I was lent while mine was off the road over Xmas. In that case full demist was blowing straight at my face rather than the windscreen. I tried the various options via the screen and controls and although the relevant vent was illuminated on the screen the air would be coming from somewhere else, and never at the windscreen.
Eventually I turned all vents on at once and that did send air at the windscreen, although whether the vents were going I didn't check. I didn't notice that issue again after that but only had the demo car for a few days.
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Sounds v similar. When you say eventually you turned all the vents on at once was that because you just changing the settings or did it just start working?

With the front vents you can turn them off (at least I think you can) by setting them all the way sideways. Did you try that and could that have made the air find an alternative route?

Not sure how I can try that with the floor vents.. stick some socks in them!
Sounds v similar. When you say eventually you turned all the vents on at once was that because you just changing the settings or did it just start working?

With the front vents you can turn them off (at least I think you can) by setting them all the way sideways. Did you try that and could that have made the air find an alternative route?

Not sure how I can try that with the floor vents.. stick some socks in them!
No I used the central screen and rather click through them individually I selected them all at once.
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Shame, I’ve done that a few times, but I’ll keep clicking away see if something changes. Thx for the pointer.
Shame, I’ve done that a few times, but I’ll keep clicking away see if something changes. Thx for the pointer.
I probably hit demist a few times as well when clicking around, although I would guess you will have tried that too.
It might have been pot luck that they suddenly started working for me.
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I probably hit demist a few times as well when clicking around, although I would guess you will have tried that too.
It might have been pot luck that they suddenly started working for me.
I just completed an 80 mile journey trying every heater switch combination I could think of but sadly no luck.

Let’s see what the main dealer garage have to say…
I just completed an 80 mile journey trying every heater switch combination I could think of but sadly no luck.

Let’s see what the main dealer garage have to say…
That's got to be frustrating. If not a software / controller bug then sounds suspiciously like a failed or broken heater routing motor / flap mechanism to me (can you hear any motor and/or clicking sounds behind or under the dash when trying to change settings?).

Whatever is at fault, hopefully they can get it fixed quickly.
Unfortunately I've had this problem in both cars I've test driven. One of them almost became undrivable from misting up after getting in the car during heavy rain. One of the dealers explained that for some reason turning demist on actually directs air away from the windscreen! He advised turning demist off and that did appear to work. We want this car as a daily driver all year round and it's glitches like this which worry me the most as the car is so reliant on software. Makes you wonder if they actually carried out any real world testing.
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Unfortunately I've had this problem in both cars I've test driven. One of them almost became undrivable from misting up after getting in the car during heavy rain. One of the dealers explained that for some reason turning demist on actually directs air away from the windscreen! He advised turning demist off and that did appear to work. We want this car as a daily driver all year round and it's glitches like this which worry me the most as the car is so reliant on software. Makes you wonder if they actually carried out any real world testing.
Demist has for the last 800 miles worked a treat so not sure if the dealer had a problem with their car as well.

When working as it has been until now demist is powerful and demists quickly.

When I now select the different settings with the air, demist, auto, front, down etc the screen shows it’s changing but nothing does. There’s also no sounds to suggest something is trying to move as in a semi-stuck flap etc.
Good to hear that it can work well. You would think it would use the latest tried and tested control system from Volvo which from my experience is completely reliable.
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Heating fixed itself!

I just went out for a short spin today and as soon as I started it up I knew it was “fixed” as air was blowing towards me…

I’ll cancel my garage appearance as I’d rather save up any intermittent issues for if/when I have another issue.

Pretty sure the flap is stuck. Got this on mine. Turn on the front demister, turn on fan to 7 and a loud buzzing noise can be heard. It's intermittent. Sometimes the window blower doesn't work. Therefore condensation build up. Sometimes it does work.
I'd forgotten about the noise on when the fan is on 7. I have a recording of it somewhere, although it doesn't sound as loud compared to the road & wind noise as it did in reality.
I don't remember having any issues with vent selection at the time, only that it seemed worse/more likely to occur when the footwell vent was selected. I avoided turning it up to 7 after that though.
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Hmm, I’ll try that but I don’t think it’s quite the same. My air just comes out of the foot vents at full blast and full heat. No buzzing and no control over them temp…

It’s working at the moment so I’m leaving it be.

Only 30 more running miles till the magic 1,000 is up :)
Actually buzzing is the wrong word for what I was getting. It sounds like some sort of resonate frequency issue.

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