Behind the Craft Ep. 1 - Progressing Lotus

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BST? In December?
It just went up, about 80 minutes behind. Wasn‘t what I was expecting. Thought it would be a lengthy discussion type interview series. More of a 2 minute advert.
High quality version is on YouTube:

It just went up, about 80 minutes behind. Wasn‘t what I was expecting. Thought it would be a lengthy discussion type interview series. More of a 2 minute advert.
It’s the new Lotus, a little glitz here and there and no info anywhere.
This is what media is nowadays. It's mostly about the presentation more than the substance. You have to have moody lighting, drama shots, lots of quick scene cuts, constantly moving the camera around to make it look like something exciting is going on.

The short version: "We're drawing on the ethos of the past to design our cars for the future."

Instead of behind the craft, could somebody please turn the lights on and put us in front of the craft so we can see what's going on?

Thank you.
This is what media is nowadays. It's mostly about the presentation more than the substance. You have to have moody lighting, drama shots, lots of quick scene cuts, constantly moving the camera around to make it look like something exciting is going on.

The short version: "We're drawing on the ethos of the past to design our cars for the future."

Instead of behind the craft, could somebody please turn the lights on and put us in front of the craft so we can see what's going on?

Thank you.
absolute waste of time, corporate clap trap. Is this what we are paying for in this senseless world. Get a grip Lotus and other corporations who think this is important.
like most people and things these days, all show, no substance
absolute waste of time, corporate clap trap. Is this what we are paying for in this senseless world. Get a grip Lotus and other corporations who think this is important.
You only feel this way because it lacked dancing aerial artists and pulsing lights. :)

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