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Alignment/Suspension/Stability Issue


Apr 19, 2024
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Hi All,

I just picked up my Emira last week and immediately upon leaving the dealer I noticed the car's alignment was WAY off, potentially some wheels unbalanced - darty, not driving straight, and some shaking in the wheel. I've owned a few sports cars and that's what's indicative to me; In fact, my Cayman T a few years ago must have gotten tossed around the boat a little on its trip and had to be aligned after delivery.

My wife immediately noticed it as a passenger, and I confirmed with a friend who had test drove this specific car that they felt the same.

No issue making an appointment with the dealer, but they're giving me the "the car was inspected prior to delivery" spiel and saying that they may have to charge me if it's from something "I did".

My question is this; has anyone experienced similar upon taking delivery of their car? I picked it up and noticed immediately, but was not in a position to return to the dealer. I have about 300 miles on the car.

I am aware there has been reported issues of steering pump, etc, but I imagine the pre delivery test drive did not take the car to highway speeds where the issue is obvious. I figured I would let the dealer look first before taking it to a trusty indy alignment guru. Thoughts?
I'm on sport with Goodyears and the car feels very well aligned. It tramlines as-expected with road imperfections but I can tell on smooth sections that there is no off-center tendency and there are no vibrations. Driven it every day over the last three days, probably 2.5 hours so far.

You car probably has an issue, and your dealer has an attitude problem. Did they give you that extra printed-at-home and stapled-together USA warranty booklet? It references Lotus' preference and state legal requirements for how to have issues like this dealt with. Read that over, let the dealer know that you've read it over, and if they won't take it in for a suspension check and re-alignment then you call Lotus USA # on that paperwork.

Let us know how you get on. The car deserves better!
That is not normal. It should drive arrow straight with no vibrations. One thing to check is your tire pressures. I had a similar problem one time with another car (different brand) and the tires were way overinflated. I brought them down to the correct pressures and it resolved the issue.
I would be fine with the dealership’s “terms” of repairing under warranty.

Why? Documentation, documentation, documentation. Every phone conversation, email, text. Time, date, conversation as precisely as possible. Call log, etc.

I don’t know what the laws in your state are, but in Texas, it’s a one party consent state, meaning you have no obligation to inform someone of recording a phone conversation. If you can’t do that, make sure your wife or a friend is present as a witness.

None of this has to be confrontational, really, just do your due diligence.

It will be impossible for them to “prove” you caused the problem, unless there truly is obvious negligence or abuse.

Let them evaluate and repair it. If they don’t bother to extensively document what was wrong and exactly how it was caused by you , they’re sunk.

I would let them repair it, and before paying for the repair, take it for a lengthy test drive to make sure the car is fixed to your satisfaction. You now have the keys.

If they demand that you pay them for the repair without proper documentation, refuse to pay and drive off. Then call Lotus customer service and report, as objectively as possible, who said what , when, where, etc.

Alternatively, you could pay via credit card and put a chargeback if they pull any shenanigans.

I would not take the car to an independent shop, because as soon as they touch it, the dealership can claim an “unauthorized” shop screwed something up, and you’re on your own.
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Appreciate the feedback. Otherwise, bad alignment and all, very excited for this car! I left a 991.2 GTS from a Cayman T… and this thing is not only gorgeous, it seems to split the differences between those two cars perfectly. The attention is wild towards this car compared to those two!
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Just an update here. Once the dealer received the car any implication of my causation of the issue was clearly dropped.

They have identified the car tracks to the right and has some additional feedback in the steering wheel.

The dealer is taking precautions and "following the procedures from Lotus". They mentioned having a dealer loaner car that the tech is going to drive back to back with mine to identify the differences.

They have claimed the alignment on a quick check looks fine in which I suggested that a wheel out of balance could cause the shaking but not the tracking.

Documenting all of this as the car has 451 miles on it, and I am hoping this is an easy fix and not reflective of a potentially larger manufacturing defect.

Any thoughts or guidance is appreciated.

Important back context; The dealer seemed to indicate that it may be "just me" noticing more steering feedback because how the car is and if needed was going to allow me to drive a different Emira and mine back to back if they determine its "normal". Categorically I explained that I have owned a 991.2 GTS, (Tracked) a 2021 Cayman T (Tracked heavily), A 2015 Z06 corvette, a 2014 Z51 Corvette, A C63 AMG coupe, a 2014 Subaru BRZ, and a Taycan GTS and that I trust my interpretation of steering feedback. In my opinion, there is an issue on this vehicle.
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Another update. I am being told they can't balance the wheels or do an alignment without me paying for it..

They want me to drive their loaner car and my car back to back with the service tech. It's going to be comical when it's blatantly obvious, and it's frustrating it takes a week and to come to this.

Additionally the tune has changed to "that's just the way these cars drive" when all I am asking of them is for the wheel to stop shaking and for the car to track in a straight line.

With that said. Do any of ya'lls cars not drive in a straight line? (this is more of a rhetorical question obviously)...
I'd be calling LotusUSA to report this dealer and try to get them involved.
Have the tech drive (not just you) your car and their car back to back first. Go on the same stretch of roads at the same speed, let go of the wheel and see if any difference.
Any wheel shake is also unacceptable. Make sure the rotors look ok and dont have the pad buildup issue on them.
Any chance there’s another dealership within a reasonable drive?
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Just went to the dealer and drove the car with the head service tech.

Took all of about 5 mins on the highway that he was like "oh yeah that's obvious". Says that they didn't realize it was at highway speeds although I specifically stated it was between 65-85 mph. Seems like there was an internal communication error.

They're going to balance and check the alignment, just wish it was done on Monday when I dropped the car... Unfortunately my closest other dealer would be 3 hours away.

Hopefully this resolves it and we're back in business.
Just went to the dealer and drove the car with the head service tech.

Took all of about 5 mins on the highway that he was like "oh yeah that's obvious". Says that they didn't realize it was at highway speeds although I specifically stated it was between 65-85 mph. Seems like there was an internal communication error.

They're going to balance and check the alignment, just wish it was done on Monday when I dropped the car... Unfortunately my closest other dealer would be 3 hours away.

Hopefully this resolves it and we're back in business.
Hope they don’t charge you for this.
Ugh. I hate stuff like this. My suggestion remains the same, precise documentation of who said what, when and where.
Common for alignment to be out of wack after transport, when I get something new I do break-in, then oil change and alignment
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Common for alignment to be out of wack after transport, when I get something new I do break-in, then oil change and alignment
Always and agreed. I’ve had a few P cars come in this way. Just was a battle to get the dealer to do it!
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  • #16
Unfortunately I took the car out this afternoon and it seems like we still have a major issue here. When the car hits bumps or becomes UN-settled, the steering wheel shakes almost like my old Jeep did (like death wobble).

Any suggestions?
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Attempted Video of Wheel Shake

I am hoping I can get a few eyes on the above, hard to video but you can see around 2-3 seconds where the wheel just shakes back and forth when the front suspension is slightly un-settled.
Attempted Video of Wheel Shake

I am hoping I can get a few eyes on the above, hard to video but you can see around 2-3 seconds where the wheel just shakes back and forth when the front suspension is slightly un-settled.
I don't have my Emira yet, but have test drive a few demos and would say that looks uncharacteristic. You are not imagining it.

Did you test drive your Emira before purchase?
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I don't have my Emira yet, but have test drive a few demos and would say that looks uncharacteristic. You are not imagining it.

Did you test drive your Emira before purchase?
I did not drive the car I purchased until I was driving it out of the showroom. If it wasn’t a late night and a Monday, I would have turned around immediatley.

Here’s another video showing how hard the car tracks to the right, as well as the steering “shaking”. Not sure if it’s as obvious as when you feel it, but you can see how the car hard rights and the steering rack shakes.


  • video-1696_singular_display.mov
    29 MB
So, the dealership took the car in, "repaired it", and gave it back to you as it is driving in those videos?

You need to speak with the service dept manager for your dealership. That's a no brainer.

Please keep us all updated.

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